Friday, 25 September 2009


Season 2009/10 is now well under way, with the last two Monday and Friday afternoons taken up with some great sessions.

Things are looking good, with lots of new players forcing their way into consideration for a place in the first squad of the year - hopefully for a match next Friday. All matches, like last season, will have to be away from home, but this hardly matters as we won the league last year without a single match at home!

Whenever the first squad is announced, it is up to the players in it to play for their place in the next squad, and it is up to those omitted from the squad to keeping working hard at training to force their way into the squad. The squad will NEVER be closed and places will always be up for grabs.

I forgot to announce after the practice match today, but the player of the week this time, after Adam A won the honour in the first match, was Johnston. Well done Johnston and well done everybody.

The Antrim Area 11 a side league trophy is sitting in pride of place in our nice new shiny trophy cabinet. I hope we'll need a new cabinet at the end of the season after we win EVERYTHING!

Onwards and upwards!

Mr Alcorn
director of football